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COR Outing 1 | Games, Food, Combat Archery!

23rd Oct 16 marks the 1st COR outing with the Deaf community!

For the seniors, it was yet another gathering with familiar faces; while for the rest, it was the first time interacting and communicating with our newly acquired skills in SgSL (S’pore Sign Language)! Although it was tough and a little awkward at first, it was heart-warming to see

some of the COR members making an effort to make friends with our participants!

It was the first major event that our Chief Group Leaders (CGLs) had to organise. And they definitely did not disappoint!

COR'17 CGLs!!

Presenting to you, the CGLs of COR’17!

Pei Ning, Bernie, Erwin, Dave (L-R)

The CGLs came up with several interesting ice-breaker games to get everyone interacting and warmed up for the day!


The team demonstrated the game of Wacko to the rest!

Instead of calling out names, we played it by signing each other’s sign names!

XO Relay

The next game was called XO Relay.

It is a combination of relay shuttle run and tic-tac-toe!

Competitive spirits were lit as teams compete to get a match of 3!

It was pretty cool to see some of participants being more athletic than some of us despite being older!!


The last ice-breaker game we played was called Soulmate. This is game where each of us wrote down an action on a piece of paper before picking another piece and we had to find our “Soulmate” by going around and doing that action!

CGLs Dave and Pei Ning

CGLs Dave and Pei Ning explaining the Soulmate game!

CGL Bernie and participants

CGL Bernie collecting everyone’s Soulmate actions!


Look at that delicious home-cooked potluck lunch contributed by the team!!

Our eyes definitely lit up looking at the splendid platter!

Look at how excited they are to EAT!

The lunch must be SO delicious, look at their smiles!!

COR members volunteering their meal times to give out ice and to tie the garbage bag!

Great to see everyone making the effort to interact with one another.

Looking forward to seeing more of such interactions next outing too!


CGL Dave gathering everyone for the next game post-lunch!

Human Battleships!

The next game was called Human Battleship!

In this game, each team has one leader whom is able to look over the cloth

They'll direct players to throw their ‘bomb’ over in an attempt to hit the opposing human battleships!

CGL Dave and Erwin explaining the game with their well-prepared posters!

Programmer Xiu Ming following instructions of their leader and their group in an attempt to avoid the battleship bomb! *looks at Erwin*

Moving on!

CGLs leading everyone to the next destination: The Cage@Kallang!

Final activity: COMBAT ARCHERY

Yup, our final destination was at The Cage @ Kallang, The Fun Empire and we played Combat Archery Tag! Initially some of us where struggling with the bow and arrow but soon everyone got the hang of it and everyone soon became Katniss Everdeen on the battlefield!

There is no better way to describe all that went down other than WITH A VIDEO!!

Visit our Gallery and COR’s Facebook page for all that went down!

All in (more than) a Day's Work

After some intense rounds of Combat Archery, we called it a day, marking the end of COR’17 Outing 1!!

We really hoped everyone had fun participating in our event!

For more details of COR Outing 1 and more, visit our Gallery and COR’s Facebook page now!

We want to express our gratitude to The Fun Empire for supporting our event with this Combat Archery Tag! We would also like to appreciate our CGLs efforts in planning and ensuring that the entire day was smooth and hellá fun! Cheers to more future COR events and may COR’17 be the best comm yet.

Off to a great start!

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